Do you want to increase your chance of SUCCESS?

Get even MORE out of this program!

Did you know…

The chances of you reaching your weight loss/fitness goals dramatically increases when you have an Accountability Partner?  When you upgrade to the 4 Weeks of Fitness – Accelerated program, I will personally play that role.  Each week, you will get a private one-on-one session to discuss your progress, any modifications needed, or any issues you may have.  This is your time to get your questions answered – and in a private setting.  You won’t have to publicly post your concerns in the Facebook group.  This time is catered just to you and YOUR success.

In addition to everything that’s included in the 4 Weeks of Fitness program that you’ve already decided is a good choice for you, you’ll receive:

  • Weekly One-on-One Sessions (Value: $160)
  • “Secrets of a Fitness Competitor for the Everyday Person” E-book (Value: $45)
  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Chart  (Value: $20)

This is an additional value of $225.  But your TOTAL price is only


Will you allow me to provide that additional support?

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