Challenge Begins In...
Experience a Transformation
in your health in this totally FREE
5-Day Online Event
Join us for daily exercise routines and meal plan
suggestions to burn fat and lose weight.
I stumbled into the career of health and fitness from my own desire to get healthier. After having my second son 16 years ago, I found myself extremely unhappy with my body (like most people). After having him, I decided that I would learn as much as I could about getting myself back “in shape”. I signed up for all of the free personal training sessions I could and soaked up all that I could find about healthier living.
But then I realized it wasn’t about getting “in shape”. It was about being healthy. There are many people who look good but aren’t healthy. I call that “all show and no go”. There are also a lot of people who will over-cardio themselves to burn a lot of calories and lose weight but are what I call “skinny fat”. The number on the scale makes them happy but there’s no real definition or tone to their body. As I always say, “Cardio will get you the weight you want, but weights will get you the shape you want”.
In the Burn Fat in 5 10 Days Challenge, I’ll give you the strategies I implemented that allowed me to get back the body I wanted. With full transparency, I contemplated all of the diet pills and fads. But then I realized that I would quickly regain what I had lost once I stopped following those regimens. I had to figure out what would last long-term. I had to figure out what I wanted my lifestyle to be.
The changes that I implemented worked for me and I know they’ll work for you, too!
For 5 days, I’ll share those strategies and be there to answer all of your questions. All I ask is that you come ready to make a shift and implement what I share. I promise there won’t be anything drastic or impossible.
Get ready to learn the strategies that will help you get the body you want in only 5 days. This is the formula you’ve been waiting for!
During the challenge, you’ll learn:
- How to maximize your workout in minimal time
- How you can burn fat without any equipment or gym membership
- What to eat to maximize fat burn before, during, and after a workout
- What foods to eat throughout the day for continuous fat burn
- How to improve your workout for maximum fat burn
I’ll even share some of the hidden gems I’ve found on this journey to a healthier lifestyle. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be bland or boring. It can be just as delicious and I’ll show you how.
There will also be giveaways. That’s right. FREE Stuff!!!
This is for anyone who is…
tired of the “jiggle” when they walk
looking to lose weight without losing their shape
unsure where to get started
tired of regaining weight after diets
looking for a supportive community of like-minded people
loves food but feels guilty after eating
After joining, you’ll get access to a private Facebook group where I’ll personally lead a daily fitness challenge full of insight and strategies that I’ve learned (and used) over the years, starting on Monday, December 16, at 12pm CST.
In addition to the challenge, you’ll receive some of my favorite exercises and recipes for FREE that you can use ongoing to improve your health and reach your fitness goals quicker. Each day, there will be suggested actions for you to take that are designed to jumpstart your fitness journey. I can’t wait to share them with you!
(And did I mention there will be FREE stuff given away?)
Yes, I'm In!
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Are you up for the Challenge?
As a former Adjunct Professor and Corporate Trainer, I’ve always had the desire to educate people. While I enjoyed those jobs, I realized my passion was to help people get healthier and look better. I decided to merge my training skills and love for fitness to be able to provide the best programs I can for my clients.
As a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist, I’ve helped hundreds of people who are on their journey to a healthier lifestyle. I don’t believe in fad diets, but instead adopting a healthier lifestyle. The change happens with your mindset first so that’s my focus.
I offer virtual training programs (meal and exercise), unique fitness products (playing cards), and consultations.