by Krystal Taylor | Aug 27, 2018 | Info You Need
When I talk to people, a lot of them will say, ” I don’t know why I’m not losing weight. I barely even eat at all. I eat only once or twice a day.” They’re always so surprised whenever I tell them that that’s probably the reason they aren’t...
by Krystal Taylor | Aug 27, 2018 | Info You Need
The information I’m about to share today is intended for my ladies. (Guys, you’re welcome to listen in. Maybe you’ll learn something that you can pass on to the women in your lives.) Ladies, I want to talk about something that we all experience regularly, something...
by Krystal Taylor | Aug 27, 2018 | Info You Need
Today, I’m just providing a fun tip for all the ladies, but all the men out there can – and probably should – listen up, too. But, first, I’m going to kick things off off with a question. Women, do you ever feel uncomfortable at the gym? Do you ever feel like...
by Krystal Taylor | Aug 27, 2018 | Info You Need
Someone wrote in today, asking: “I’m really working out, and I’m trying. But, if I could just get rid of eating all this junk, I would do so much better. Any suggestions?” For the record, I want to point out that this is a question I get asked a lot,...
by Krystal Taylor | Aug 27, 2018 | Info You Need
I constantly hear people complain about how expensive it is to eat healthy and how they are unable to eat healthy because it costs too much. I hear it over and over again, and it honestly frustrates me. “Well, I can’t eat healthy because it’s too...
by Krystal Taylor | Aug 22, 2018 | Info You Need
People often tell me that the reason they aren’t working out is because they don’t have the time. A lot of them say, “I would love to work out, but I just can’t find the time.” Nobody has time and that’s exactly the reason why you basically have to make the time for...