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Body Bounce Back Starter Pack

  • 12-Week Guide to Fitness

    There are 12 weeks worth of each plan type (meals and workouts) for you to follow and adapt to your schedule and lifestyle. However, you can switch out the meals and workouts to make your own programs that can provide at least TWO YEARS worth of variety.

  • 7-Day Meal Plan

    Each day includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at least two snacks so you won’t be hungry. The meal plan is based on a 1,500-calorie diet and can be modified to your specific needs. Alternative Foods chart is also included for easy ideas on how to swap out foods but stay within your desired calorie range.

  • Fitness Is NOT A Game Playing Cards

    Add some fun to your next workout. Don’t get stuck in a rut doing the same things over and over. Shuffle the deck for a new routine every day. Each card includes visual and text descriptions of how to complete the exercises. Instructions are also included. Since it’s a standard deck of playing cards, it can also be used to play all of the games you love like Spades, Bid Whist, Gin, and more.

ONLY $32.50

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Value: $52.50



The 3 Keys to Long-Lasting Weight Loss

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Wednesday, November 9
5pm PT | 7pm CT | 8pm ET

What to Bring:
Water to drink 🙂

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