
Body Bounce Back Box

Original price was: $69.47.Current price is: $25.00.

EVERYTHING you need to get started is included:

* Fitness Is NOT A Game Playing Cards
* 12-Week Guide to Fitness
* Moisture-Wicking Head Scarf
* Plush Workout Towel
* Water Bottle

Don’t get stuck in a rut of doing the same workouts or not doing any workouts because you don’t know what to do.

Inside the Body Bounce Back Box, you have two options to guide you through your workouts.

If you’re looking for a fun and random workout because you get bored with doing the same thing, the Fitness Is NOT A Game Playing Cards are perfect for you. Just shuffle the deck for a random workout each time. Plus, you don’t need any equipment since all of the workouts are done with your body weight.

If you’re looking for a structured workout, just choose one from the 12-Week Guide to Fitness. There is 12 weeks’ worth of both gym and home workouts.

Since the diet is the biggest challenge when it comes to reaching your body goals, there are also sample meal plans and recipes included in the guide.

No matter which workout you choose, you’re sure to sweat. That’s why you’ll also receive a moisture-wicking headscarf, a towel to wipe off, and a water bottle to keep you hydrated.

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