If you are truly looking to tone, shape or lose weight, I totally recommend Krystal Taylor. This lady here is the truth. Her meal plans are doable, the virtual exercises are a hit and it can be done in the comfort of your home or gym. I am in love with this virtual program. I started a few months ago and the change has been phenomenal… ladies and gents if you were like me walking in the gym excited but coming out an hour later feeling exhausted but unsure if your workout was making a difference…. I recommend you look up Krystal Taylor. Ladies, if you are tired of walking in the gym wondering what machine to use but too embarrassed to ask how, or don’t know what machines to use, I recommend you look up Krystal Taylor’s virtual workout. Its For Real!  It will get you toned.  It will get you shaped.  It will give you life. I thank you, Krystal, for giving me a life.

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