Someone wrote in today, asking: “I’m really working out, and I’m trying. But, if I could just get rid of eating all this junk, I would do so much better. Any suggestions?”

For the record, I want to point out that this is a question I get asked a lot, and I know that being able to actually “stop eating junk” is something that a lot of people struggle with.

Now, because I’m a personal fitness trainer, a lot of people assume that I would respond to such a question by saying something like: “Yes, my suggestion is that you should stop eating all that junk. Here are some healthy alternatives…” But I honestly don’t believe in that.

I believe it’s all about balance. Trust me, you want to find that balance between the things that you want to eat and the things that you need to eat, and I believe that finding that balance is all about portion control and having fun and still being able to enjoy what you like.

The thing that most people fail to realize is the fact that, when you restrict something from a person, they’re only going to want it more. The truth of the matter is that, by the time they finally get their hands on it, they often end up overcompensating for what they missed, and that totally defeats the purpose.

Instead of eliminating the junk, how about gradually adding more healthy food choices into your diet?

If you’re having a meal and typically go for fried chicken – because who doesn’t like fried chicken, right? – instead of getting four chicken wings, fries, and a side of coleslaw, just cut the unhealthy stuff in half. Bring the number of chicken wings down from four to two, then add in more healthy items like green beans or mixed vegetables.

The idea is to avoid restricting yourself from having whatever it is that you want. The idea is to make sure that you eat something “healthy” along with any “unhealthy” food you might want to eat.

When people join my program, they tend to ask me about what they can and cannot consume. “Can I drink wine? Can I eat this? Can I eat that? My answer to that is always: “Yes, absolutely.” But do I want you to have a lot of it? Absolutely not, and that’s why I make it a point to remind people that it’s about understanding how to incorporate healthy eating habits into your lifestyle.

That’s why you’ll never hear me talk about being on any type of diet. That’s also why you’ll never hear me encourage you to get on a specific diet. Diets are short-term solution but living a healthy lifestyle will positively serve you for a long, long time.

Personally speaking, I enjoy my own little vices as well, but I eat healthy for the most part.

Today, I would like to encourage everyone to take a step back and look at your eating habits differently. Instead of saying, “I cannot have this, I should not have that,” change your perspective by saying, “I am going to enjoy this, but I am also going to learn to enjoy more healthy food options as well.”

By consciously cutting down on the unhealthy food, adding healthier food options to the plate, and understanding that it’s all about finding the balance in both, I believe that you will be able to reach your fitness goals and really take pleasure in your fitness journey.

See you soon!

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